Virginia Blanton is associate professor of English at the University of Missouri-Kansas City, where she serves as doctoral faculty in English and Religious Studies. Her research focuses on medieval hagiography and religious ritual, as well as the representations of women in religious culture.
The research for this lecture is based on Professor Blanton's discovery of a 15th century manuscript at Cambridge University, which contains a manuscript that contains accounts of 19 female saints.
“When I first read the manuscript, I did not fully realize how important it might be,” Blanton told the Miscellany News. “[The legendary] provides some evidence of the text being used in ways we did now know it had been, especially by women."
Blanton is the author of Signs of Devotion: The Cult of St. Æthelthryth in Medieval England, 695-1615
This talk, sponsored by the Medieval and Renaissance Studies Program, is co-sponsored by the Department of English, the C. Mildred Thompson Fund of the Department of History, the Department of Religion, and the Media Studies and Women’s Studies Programs.
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Sources: Vassar College, The Miscellany News