
Friday, September 09, 2011

Writer found a gateway to the medieval world close to home

Cassandra Clark tells Sarah Freeman how growing up in East Yorkshire inspired her acclaimed series of medieval mysteries.

Cassandra Clark is on something of a mission. While Britain of the medieval age is often painted as a pretty lawless, disease-ridden place to live, the author of the popular Hildegard series is hoping that along with selling a few copies of her books, she will also bust a few myths.

“Generally when you read anything about that period it is always about the depressing domestic squalor and disease,” says Cassandra, whose third book in the series, The Law of Angels is out later this month. “However, the truth is rather different, they were actually a pretty civilised bunch. They listened to music, often wore wonderful clothes and the towns were very orderly places. Dare I say it, but it wasn’t that much different to today..

Click here to read this article from the Yorkshire Post