
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Ancient Egyptians styled their hair like Marilyn Monroe and Rihanna, archaeologists find

A study of male and female mummies has revealed the fashion-conscious Egyptians made use of a fat-based product to keep their hair in place. They used the styling gel on both long and short hair, tried to curl their hair with tongs and even plaited it in hair extensions to lengthen their tresses.

It is thought they used the product in both life and death, with corpses being styled to ensure they looked good in the afterlife. The incredible discovery was made by archaeological scientists who studied hair samples of 18 male and female mummies, aged from four to 58 years old.

Click here to read this article from the Daily Telegraph

Click here to access the article "Ancient Egyptian hair gel: new insight into ancient Egyptian mummification procedures through chemical analysis" from the Journal of Archaeological Science