
Sunday, March 01, 2009

Journal of Medieval Iberian Studies

The Journal of Medieval Iberian Studies has launched its inaugural issue. Published by Routledge, it covers archaeology, art and architecture, music, philosophy and religious studies, as well as history, codicology, manuscript studies and the multiple Arabic, Latin, Romance, and Hebrew linguistic and literary traditions of Iberia, over the period from the fourth century to 1492. It will be published twice a year.

The articles in Volume 1, Issue 1 are:

The future of postcolonial approaches to medieval Iberian studies, by Nadia R. Altschul

Beyond convivencia: critical reflections on the historiography of interfaith relations in Christian Spain, by Maya Soifer

New directions in the study of medieval Andalusi music, by Dwight F. Reynolds

Saint Rosendo, Cardinal Hyacinth and the Almohads, by Damian J. Smith

Espacio jurisdiccional y espacio econmico en el Sureste Peninsular en la Baja Edad Media, by Jorge Ortuo Molina and Juan Leonardo Soler Milla

The verse inscription from the deposition relief at Santo Domingo de Silos: word, image, and act in medieval art, by Peter Scott Brown

The online database Informaworld publishes the journal online.  Click here to access its website.