
Friday, January 09, 2009

Journal of Agrarian Change

This journal, published by Wiley, examines the social relations and dynamics of production, property and power in agrarian formations and their processes of change, both historical and contemporary. Usually, they do not have many medieval articles, but in their latest issue - Volume 9, Issue 1 (January 2009) they are entirely devoted to the topic of Aristocrats, Peasants and the Transformation of Rural Society, c.400–800. Articles include:

Introduction: Aristocrats, Peasants and the Transformation of Rural Society, c.400–800, by Peter Sarris

Forces and Relations of Production in Early Medieval England, by Rosamond Faith

Framing the Carolingian Economy, by Matthew Innes

Aristocracies, Peasantries and the Framing of the Early Middle Ages, by Jairus Banaji

Settlement, Taxation and the Condition of the Peasantry in Post-Roman Central Italy, by Marios Costambeys

Landholding Patterns in Early Islamic Egypt, by Petra M. Supesteun

Early Medieval Byzantium and the End of the Ancient World, by Mark Whittow

You can access these articles if you have a Wiley Interscience subscription, or want to buy the articles individually, here.