
Sunday, October 05, 2008

The Fourth Viking Congress

I just wanted to give everyone a preview of the new website, which we are working on. The site is using a Wordpress content management system, so there are some changes still to be made and things like fontsize still need to be finalized. But we will be having a lot of content on it, including articles, interviews, videos and books. For now, here are a few links to articles from The Fourth Viking Congress, edited by Alan Small and published by Aberdeen University in 1961.

Here are the articles we have republished from this book:

Characteristics and Dating of Anglo-Saxon Churches, by H.M. Taylor

Anglo-Saxon Churches in Yorkshire, by H.M. Taylor

The York Viking Kingdom; Relations between Old English and Norse Culture, by Alan Burns

The Medieval Peasant House, by J.G. Hurst

Late Saxon Pottery, by J.G. Hurst

An Eleventh-Century Farmhouse in the Norse Colonies in Greenland, by C.L. Vebaek

Eysteinn Haraldsson in the West, c.1151: Oral Traditions and Written Record, by A.B. Taylor

The site will officially be ready to go sometime this month.