
Sunday, May 11, 2008

Kalamazoo roundup

Our apologies for not bringing you any other updates this weekend. It looks as if the congress was another strong event. Here are what some of the bloggers have been saying:

The Rose Garden gives a full account of the sessions she went to here.

Notorious Ph.D gives an account of her working the Book Room, trying to get a deal on publishing her book.

Digital Medievalist liveblogged a session on, not surprisingly, Weblogs and the Academy: Professional and Community Outreach through Internet Presence. You can also read MacAllister Stone's paper entitled: Text in Motion: Navel-Gazing as Pedagogical Strategy.

Ex-Aidan gives an account of his adventures up to Friday, if more comes will post the links later this week.

Jeffrey Cohen of In the Middle has already returned home from his Kalamazoo trip. He calls it his favorite conference.

The Idea of Order gives some details about her congress experiences here, and Richard Scott Nokes has three reports: Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3.

As we find other reports of the congress, we'll post up the links.