
Thursday, July 21, 2011

Our Lady’s Lawsuits – new translations of two 14th-century poems

Judith Davis, Professor Emerita of French and Humanities at Goshen College, and Ron Akehurst of the University of Minnesota have recently completed their book containing translations of two 14th-century poems. Published in May by The Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Texts & Studies, the book, titled Our Lady’s Lawsuits, presents first-time English translations of two examples of medieval French religious literature.

The two poems, “L’Advocacie Nostre Dame (Our Lady’s Advocacy)” and “Chapelerie Nostre Dame de Baiex (The Benefice of Our Lady’s Chapel in Bayeux),” were originally written by an anonymous cleric during the first quarter of the 14th century and evoke various contemporary religious disputes.

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